Do You have Gum Bleeding or Teeth Cavity?? How do you cure and prevent them?

Aspiration World
2 min readJul 30, 2021


“Gum Bleeding”: The most common Dental problem is Gum Bleeding. The gums begin to weaken.

Q. What are the causes or reasons for Gum Bleeding?

a. Brushing very hard or using toothbrushes that had hard bristles.

b. Fitting dentures or other dental equipment.

c. Infection, which can occur in teeth or gums.

d. Any type of bleeding disorder.

e. Hormonal Changes During Pregnancy.

f. Improper flossing.

g. A type of blood cancer, known as leukemia.

h. Vitamin C deficiency, called scurvy.

Gum Bleeding and Tooth Cavity Problem - Treatment

Treatment Of Bleeding Gums:

How you can treat it is by consuming lots of vitamin foods. Which are present in your household and if you are suffering from a very severe vitamin C deficiency then you might want to go to your physician and take a vitamin C supplement, which will improve the overall health of your teeth and your body, and also it will stop your gum bleeding.

Another thing you can do at your home which is considered as a home remedy is using a warm saline rinse. A warm saline rinse means you are going to warm some water and put some salt into it and gargle with that twice a day.

A. Bleeding from the gums can be a sign of poor dental hygiene.

B. Eat fewer carbs food.

C. Adopt good oral hygiene.

D. Do not smoke.

E. Reduce mental stress levels.

F. Increase intake of vitamin C.

G. Increase intake of vitamin K.

H. Use a warm saline rinse.

In case of more problems, get the help of a dentist.

Dental Tooth Decay Treatment or Teeth Cavity Treatment:

Please avoid consuming substances like sticky candies and chocolates. If you are consuming then do remember to brush your teeth after eating and brush your teeth twice daily. If you have major cavity problem, then you have to go to a dentist and get your fillings done.

Q. How do you prevent tooth decay or tooth cavity from spreading?

A. Be sure to brush with fluoride toothpaste after drinking or eating anything.

B. Rinse the mouth with salted water.

C. Get regular checkups with the dentist.

D. Consider dental sealant.

E. Drink tap water twice a day.F. Avoid frequent sipping and snacking.

G. Eat healthy food for teeth.

H. Use fluoride treatments.

To know more about Dental Problems and home solutions, Like; Halitosis or Bad Breath, Yellow teeth and Tooth Mobility.

Please Visit this site: 5 Major Dental Problems and Solutions.

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